How are you? Please let me know how everyone is!
On Saturday we went to clean an old apartment. We had a little more time since we didn't need to really get ready for the day. It was nice to have a little extra time.
So this week we had a few tombe vous - I don't know if I explained that before - tambe vous are when you get bodied - wait - more slang - when people cancel on you. When something gets in the way - bodied.
We had one lady tombe vous us, so we went and dropped by N and two hours later she became an engage - engaged to be baptized. The word for engagement in french is like challenge or invitation - not engaged to be married.
It was awesome. We prayed and we talked. She sees baptism like a mountain, and it kind of is - especially when your life isn't in order. We challenged her to pick a date, far in advance. She picked a date in August. Every week we will help her with something small. This week was prayer. We call her everyone morning to pray with her so we can have daily contact with her. Her next challenge will be to write down what she is grateful for. So, when life is hard and difficult, gratitude helps people to be happier and it's easier to accept what God is doing. Then we are going to work on other things, like coming back to church and following the Word of Wisdom. Each thing will take time.
One crazy thing here is everyone smokes. And I mean everyone. Like children - well, not children, but everyone over the age of 12 here! It's not like the United States. People smoke there, but they don't smoke in front of you, or while they are walking. There are places to smoke...so you avoid those places.
But you can't avoid it here. They smoke at the bus stops and walking around and it's so bad. The elevators and the metros all smell like smoke. One of the Elders has developed a cough. We are just not used to this!
Our other main investigator is M. She is Peruvian and has lived all over. She speaks quite a few languages and is now living here in France. She was found porting (door to door knocking). She has embraced the Gospel. We are teaching her the Word of Wisdom. She has had all the other lessons - she loves it. For each things, she just loves it and says it all makes sense. Then, what's next. She is basically already living like a member. They are such nice, good people.
This week we had legality (the government talks to you about diseases and stuff and then give you a sticker for your passport) and Zone Training. I had to present at Zone Training. It's weird, but I thought it went well. I'm not a Sister Training Leader - so it's like i'm always on an exchange.
Right now, we are doing four hours of studying everyday. It's insane.
Love you all!!
Soeur Beatty
(There was more, but we one part was lost, so I'm only transcribing the first part.)
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