Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Week 6: Mission Office


So I'm sitting here in the mission office and for the life of me, I can't remember emails or photo numbers. It's so hard to remember things.

But, I'm here safe and sound and exhausted. My stuff is all here an i'm very grateful for that. It's funny, all the senior couples are so excited because i'm from Virginia and because of that I can drive longer here in France.

It's funny being in France because right now there is still a lot of English because we're still in the city, but once we leave it'll be more French-like.

I've had my first contacting experience, and I talked with five different people and out of those had a real conversation with two of them and was only able to bring up the gospel once, but for only like 30 minutes. Not bad, but this is going to be very interesting (like the next 195 contacts).

I love you all and I hope you are all doing well. I think my mission will fly by.


Soeur Beatty

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