So Monday/Tuesday was just weird with all the sleeping I did on the planes, but we all got here with only two pieces of luggage missing -- which, for all 17 of us was pretty good!
My mission president and his wife are awesome. They are so loving and caring and a nice reminder of home. He is from Utah and she is from Orange County, California.
This week was crazy! I met my trainer Sister Grant and she is great. She's from Utah and speaks amazing French and is an awesome teacher!
We do lots of studies everyday, which is tiring, but good, because we need to be prepared.
This week most of our dinners and rendezvous (appointments) cancelled, but it was still great. My ville (city) is gorgeous and I loved walking around it and seeing all the cute French architecture. And the boulangeries (bakeries) and patisseries (cake shops) are everywhere and just soooo good -- and soooo much better than the MTC!
The ward is wonderful and I bore my testimony yesterday in French and it went pretty well. My accent isn't terrible, but understanding what people are saying is so hard, but it'll only get better with practice!
This week, really the only bad thing, but even then, not really, was we ran out of food -- so we ended up eating out of strange cans with strange food things inside of them. But we only had to do that once because our sweet Zone Leaders gave us some of their own food since we couldn't go get more and it was so nice! They're the best. Our Zone Leaders are Elder Mauss and Elder Berri. They both go home soonish.
In French -- Berry and Beatty sound similar - so all the ward members kept coming up to me and asking if we were somehow related -- which was funny.
Everyday is different but I love all the possibilities and just meeting new people. French is terrifying but it'll come. I just need time!
My trainer is a sister training leader and so tomorrow we are going on a split and I'll be with another brand new sister -- so wish us luck that we don't get lost or hurt! Haha. It'll be an adventure that's for sure!
Love you all and I'll hopefully have more for you next week.
Sœur Beatty
[Mikayla's Mom: In the mission field, new missionaries are called greenies. But in France, missionaries are blue, not green.]
Day 1 in Ecully, Mikayla's first area |
Mikayla with Sister Grant, her trainer and first companion |
Mikayla's sweet companion made her a beautiful planner. It made her so happy! |
Mikayla getting settled in her apartment |
Photos around Ecully. |
S Grant |
S Grant |
Homemade bruschetta with olive bread - sure beats the MTC |
Mikayla was so happy to be cooking. |
Curry vegetables and rice. |
They ran out of food and had to open the cans in the apartment. |
Sad meals. They are in desperate need of groceries. |
The Elders took pity on the sisters and gave them some food to make it to pday. |
It's amazing what you can make from just a few ingredients. |
Mikayla is so happy with the food in France. |
The Sisters went to do service on Saturday. |
1st Sunday in Ecully. |
The sisters went shopping and had their rolling bag to get everything home on the bus. |
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