Monday, May 8, 2017

Week 70: How Much Room Does Your Brain Have?

Well me and Sister Brooksby have been sitting here trying to remember what we did this week without too much success its been super weird and all blurred together and so I'm going to work backwards and then if I don't arrive I'm sorry, I tried haha

So today it was a rainy gross day and so we played games and attempted a crazy creepy puzzle but lost all desire because it was like all the shades of yellow like my house was before it ever got painted if any of you remember that and it was too much and we messed up somewhere and so we let it go haha and went and ate pizza and played guess who with book of Mormon characters and of course you have to be Korihor at one point and Nephi's wife another;) it was great! We also then played a version of life with planes and boats and islands and it was wonderful and then when the weather cleared up called and found out the summer luge was open so we slid down the mountain! and it dropped 12 degrees to get all the way to the top and it was so flipping cold haha the guy who gave us our tickets was wearing a hat and gloves and scarf and full on winter gear because snow was still up there! it was so crazy and fun and we also fed reindeer because what else you going to do on a mountain;)

Yesterday we had crepe night with some great members and played a game we played at district meeting with string and the family loved it:) Speaking of district meeting that happened this week as well and it was great we talked all about Christ and then how about in the temples we learn of him and how to follow him because we go to the temple for our ancestors but we also go to worship our god:)

This week we had lots of tombez-vous and not too much success ami Wise but we are going on a hunt and hopefully we will find them soon:) Got one cordonnee and also a self referral from the husband of the sister of a daughter of a member somewhere who found our number for him and so hopefully we will set a rendez vous with him this week and see how it goes! If i bien understood our conversation haha it wasn't too clear haha xD but life

we also had an exchange and had the privilege of going to a baptism of a mom and son and ate some bomb African benigets and fried chicken and skewers!

We searched holy water at a spring for one of our less actives who is loosing her memory and really wanted some so we went and filled up twelve 1.5 liters for her and almost died trying to carry them back haha then also passed another sister like a thousand times because someone thought she had maybe died but luckily we finally got a hold of her and told everyone and so everyone was okay and she was too and it was great! Church was great yesterday and is the last time we will have it for two weeks because stake conference this week where we will see president which will be great and then we have the temple dedication for Paris and it will be wonderful!!

Love you all have a great week

Sister Beatty

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