We had a BIG conference this week with Elder Sabin from the Area Presidency and so for this we had to go to Geneva the night before and then the day of at 5:58 am take a train to Lyon. So the sisters in Geneva actually live outside of Geneva so we had to take a train to get to the gare and the first train was late so we arrived at 5:56 at platform 4, and our train was 2 flights of stairs, 3 long ramps, and one nice custom box away.
Two elders met us at the doors and yelled "GO. GIVE US SUITCASES" but they actually didn't go to take our
suitcase so after half a second we(all ten sisters with five suitcases) jumped off the train and started running. Sprinting really all the way to the train to Lyon, one miracle was there were no custom officers which was good because the Swiss are already suspicious of american, badge wearing girls in long dresses, but these american,
badge wearing girls in long dresses, running with suitcases being chased by two men in suits, would have been arrested so quickly on the spot it wouldn't have been funny, but we got really lucky and made the train, because the elders held the doors open for us. It wouldn't have been as bad had we eaten but yeah.... it also wouldn't have been as bad except for the fact we had to redo this exact sprint that same night to go back to the sisters apartment! that night I could have slept outside with no blankets because we were so physically drained it didn't matter.
Me and my poor blue have been recovering since this haha but we are slowly but surely getting our strength back up:)
This week we fixed the baptismal interview with our ami Kristina and have her official date for the 27th which makes me so so excited!!! Now we just have to find white pants big enough for her husband because he is a HUGE dude!!
We also went to the farm and held baby chicks and milked a cow which was extremely difficult and I am grateful for machines! We talked about how in the world milkmaids were ever able to do their jobs because 1 cow had 20 liters of milk and it took almost 2 hours to milk her!!!
Other than that we had our ward Christmas party and everyone got to work inviting family members and friends because we ended the night with 13 amis there and 5 less actives, most of them families of members and that was sweet:) I also played the piano for the living nativity because the sister who was supposed to play the music, her guitar broke as she was warming up so they sat me down at the piano right then and had me start playing because it was time to go and I've got to say my sight reading was not that terrible haha but it was cute with the little kids:)
We have been getting ready for Christmas, lighting up the world and just having fun together:) I hope you all are rocking this Christmas season, I love you! Merry Christmas:) <3
Sister Beatty

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