This week started off recovering from Christmas, I will be honest and say eating so much with the members has kind of killed me because they feed us such hearty food constantly and A LOT and expect you to eat it all and it's not what we normally eat because when we cook our own food there is lots of grains and vegetables but all the hearty food threw me threw a loop and I drank lots of herbal teas, hot chocolates,and very simple meals when we were at home to try and balance it all off haha xD
This week I tried cow intestines and blood sausages and I would honestly prefer the cooked blood to the intestines but woo Argentinian Grillads -- I don't know what the word is in English -- but that's what it is called in French and it was so good! but so much meat haha and yeah some weird things..... Soeur Bonnamy wasn't able to stomach any of it so they left it up to me to try it all xD I felt like a little kid because one of the counselors from our bishopric would cut little pieces off and put it on my plate for me to try XD but it was yummy up until those intestines...... yeah life:) haha at least now I know!
On Tuesday, yes a random Tuesday ...(because everyone keeps asking why we had it on a Tuesday well let me explain)....the family of one of our amis husbands came up from France because she was getting baptized!!! We stressed all weekend though to find white pants big enough for him but the nephew of a sister's sister was able to drive up from somewhere in Switzerland with pants that fit perfectly and it was great! Almost the whole ward came to her baptism and it was amazing, I have never been so happy:) She has waited a while and everything fell into perfect place and it was perfect:) Not much else to say other than that:)
And lastly operator error, so we have been moved to paperless area books on the ipad and so Sunday I was trying to put in a refferal we had recieved earlier in the week on the ipad and it wouldnt let me go back to December and I was stressed because our numbers on the ipads are supposed to be correct because they go straight to church headquarters and finally after deleting this person and reentering all her information I finally realized it was because before I could change the month I had to change the year and I felt real dumb..... IT'S A NEW YEAR, but sadly at this stage in my life I can't feel it because there is not any real concept of time right now because I am in the middle of working as hard as I can.....
So life flies by and HAPPY NEW YEAR to every one and I hope you were able to Fete it better than we were xD We went to be at 10:30 because life doesn't stop as a missionary;) haha Sunday one of the kids yelled have a good vacation and I turned and said "Its vacation time?!" And he just stared and felt so bad for us haha it was funny but it was good:)
I am happy where I am and to be serving here, and I am still not accepting the fact I am leaving, my suitcases are still tucked away in a corner and I am not touching them until the Saturday before I leave probably! I love the Swiss and everything I am learning and I am excited for what lies ahead:)
Sister Beatty

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