We had an exchange with the Val de Soane equipe -- the sisters who are still living with us -- and that was fun because neither of us had to move or pack to do it haha -- but we went and realized that neither of us completely know our area boundries! We walked out of one of the metro stops and Sister Tauira said we were just walking across the street to visit one of their less actives and I just had to stop and stare because across the street and right next door to their less active was one of our members... haha it was funny!
We spent quite a bit trying to figure out whose secteur we were in -- but, it's all good, right? But it was a super fun exchange! And that night we played loups-garous, which is like a french version of mafia, and I'm probably buying it because it is really fun and you need at least 8 people to play and you can go up to like 20! It is really fun though :)
We ended up taking a trip to the countryside with one of our members to visit an elderly lady and help her clean her windows. We ended up going with the three year old granddaughter too and that was just really fun because she was super cute and talkative, and little children speaking French is just so absolutely adorable! She also spoke Russian and already knew the differences between the two languages and that was intense... haha her name is Yeva:)
The conference was amazing -- it the two Swiss zones and the two Lyon zones and that was a blast! We got to watch the missionary parody of Adele and it was absolutely funny and amazing! As well as hear the departing missionaries testimonies.... Their testimonies were amazing and Elder Berry made me cry -- since we have now served together two, my first two transfers and his last two and yeah... Sister Kelley was sitting near me and she cried during his testimony too and it was funny because as she was wiping her tears away she was like "I don't even know him!"
We also did a game where they had all of us go into the parking lot and put on blindfolds and then said follow the sound! So I got with all the sisters and we were a little blob and we were chasing these clanging bells and running around trying to find these bells and it was so frustrating, We chased the bells around the hill and when we got to the bottom we heard a very distinct and different sound.
It was a single chime and all of a sudden we walked into Sister Brown and she took each one of us and our hands and said follow the rope and put us on the rope and had us follow it to the end where President Brown greeted us -- we took of our blind folds and everyone was humming "come come ye saints"... It was super intense because I have planned these before, but never been thrown into one -- but I loved it so much because I am not a convert and I have never been so far away from everything in the church -- but when I realized what was going on -- and I didn't realize any of it until I actually got the rope -- it was incredible because it is the closest I have ever felt like an investigator, who really truly knows nothing about God's plan, who doesn't know we can talk to him and he will listen, that he is there and watching out for us, past the grave. That he gave us a plan and we aren't forgotten.
It was just surreal, because we were so lost without any direction because there had been literally no directions given before our blind folds went on and I loved it. Because even if I can't relate -- I can now understand what you say when it all clicked because that one chime in the middle of all the clanging bells was an instant click in my head.
And our fun little miracle for the week was a few weeks ago we traveled to Dardilly to try and find a less active -- and for the life of us we could not find her house because her address was literally 2\3 rue something or other, and we found 1 and 4 but not 2\3, and we looked everywhere!
So, at ward counsel we told them her house doesn't exist and they were like yes it does, and then proceeded to explain how to get to her house and gave us the code to get in, So we took an afternoon to travel to Dardilly and when we got there the code didn't work -- so we stood there and before we said anything.
Sister Fagg said we were going to pray and ask for someone to come open the door for us so we can at least leave a note on her door. So we prayed and decided we would wait five minutes. And at literally the last second this lady starts walking towards us and it was our less active! She had gotten off work early that day and normally wouldn't have had time, but her meeting that night got cancelled and we were able to meet with her and set up another rendezvous with her! It was absolutely amazing! And she gave us the new code and it just was absolutely great:)
The work has been slowing down a little but we have so many potentials and that little miracle was super great because it's a very easy way to see that God still remembers us here in this little ville in the world trying our hardest to just share what has brought happiness into our lives.
This week was pretty good I hope you all had a good week too!
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Mikayla and Soeur Grant |
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A game they play. |
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A local Vietnamese restaurant. |
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Mikayla made Korean food for the sisters. |